Sunday, February 28, 2010

Travel With Me

Tarry forth. Come along with me. This journey I call life. Sometimes it is sad. Actually most of it is. But occasionally I find ecstasy. Those are the moments you seek, yes? Travel with me. Together, we will experience them.

I, at one time, experienced happiness. It was pretty amazing. I enjoyed every second of it. But, like everything good, it was cut short. I still live on those moments. I find these small things, the reasons to live. I cherish them, I hold on to them, and I will never depart from them.

Why? You ask? Yes of course you do. It is rather simple. To throw away those memories, that is just stupid. “Live in the moment” so many say that. But I beg to differ. Live in your life. Remember what is great to you. Remember what is bad for you.

Strive to make yourself find the good and not the bad. Constantly fight back and push yourself forward. Make you into the person you want to be. Never give in, and definitely never back down.

It is your life, live it like you want too. Make you happy and everything else will fall into place. Of course, I didn’t bother to tell you about all of the hardships I have faced. It is kind of a raw deal I have given you. It’s just my insight I have to impart. Live for you.


Wow! Hard to leave it, but I'm forced to lose that world. I was a god among men, yet the one thing controlling me said it was over.

I roll over and see my kitty next to my bed. As I pet him, I am unable to push aside those thoughts. So great it would be, having the world at my disposal. As I close my eyes and imagine it, I attempt to re-enter it.

It is a trivial pursuit, and of course it fails miserably. I swing the covers off of me and stand up. Not bothering to don any clothes, I walk down into this world. My world, the waking one that is my reality.

Stepping out into the sunlight, in nothing but my boxers, I look up into the sky. Beautifully blue, it creates a nice framework for the houses and trees that surround me.

As I stare up into the blue heavens, I once again dwell on last night. That dream, it was so amazing! I was a king and everyone bowed to me. Anything and everything I wanted, right at my beckon call.

Of course this wasn't my first time, in the land of dreams. But it reaffirmed to me how lovely it is when I'm locked inside my own head. The most imaginative things I have created!

There was that time, I begin to drift away as I close my eyes, where I was a motorcycle cop! Oh what a glorious time! I was partnered up with Taylor and her gorgeous solid gold sports bike.

Or that time! What a wonderful time, where I saved the world because I was the only one who could. Yeah that was pretty sweet, holding the lives of so many in my hands.

As this last thought starts to slip away, I open my eyes again. Back in this world of reality. Where I am holding only one life in my hands. Just my own now, I feel slightly jaded.

My mind, constantly thinking without letting me in on its thoughts. I run back up to my bed and hop in. I will reclaim you! These last thoughts travel through my mind as I fade away into sleep. Back into my dreams.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Friend? Where are you? Where were you in my most greatest time of need? You were there, when we first went swimming. That time we got in trouble for sneaking out. Oh! And don't forget that time we got a few ladies to hang out with us...

Now I need you friend. I feel alone. Your comfort I can not find as I struggle. I feel lost and most definitely alone. I cry out for you, friend! Please will you comfort me?

I know now I was wrong. I can't do this alone. You bring me happiness, comfort, joy. I long for your presence again. I need you in my life.

Stupidly headstrong I was. I now suffer from that mistake. I am weak without you. A tortured soul learning the repercussions of my faults, must I get on my knees and beg?

For you, I will friend.